
EMSL Analytical, Inc.


Silica Testing Lab

  • EMSL Analytical Inc.
  • Silica Testing Laboratory
  • Fast Lab Results


EMSL Silica Testing Site

Air Sampling


When sampling for Silica there are several key items that are needed

Preweighed 5um 37mm PVC Cassette

Note; If not doing OSHA compliance sampling or comparing to current federal OSHA standards a non preweighed PVC cassette can be used)

This is the sampling media to collect the airborne dust and allow for silica concentrations to be determined

Cyclone Respirable Silica

 SKC   Higgens Dewell Dorr Oliver








This is a size selective sampler to allow for the respirable dust fraction to be collected on the sample filter.

These cyclones all meet the respirable silica OSHA sampling requirements and other exist as well that also do comply.

Each cyclone is designed to operate at a manufacturer specified flowrate

Cyclone Calibrator-Adapter or Calibration-Jar

Used for the SKC aluminum cyclone calibration

Used for the Higgens Dewell, Dorr Oliver, and other cycloneswhich do not have a calibration adaptor available from their manufacturer.


Low Flow Sampling Pump (1-4 LPM) and Cassette Holder



Any battery operated pump that can achieve a flow in the 1 to 4 LPM range.

Field Rotameter

This is used for proper field checking of sample train flowrate before, during and after sampling


Primary Calibrator (optional)



This is used for calibration of a field rotamater prior to its being used in the field and is done on a regular basis.

This would usually be done by the sampling company or the lab supplying the field rotamater.

Bulk /Dust/Wipe Samples

Dust Samples

For any air samples collected the method calls for a settled dust sample to be taken to categorize the silica types present.

The dust should be 50-100mg in weight and collected in small container or sealable bag.


Bulk Samples

A minimum of 50-100mg in weight is needed weight and collected in small container or sealable bag.

A bulk sample can be used to also categorize site materials for potential silica hazards

Wipe and Microvac Samples

Wipe samples can be collected on ghost wipes or an equivalent media and placed into a sampling tube or sealable bag.
Surface dust can also be microvacuumed into a silica, tem, or pcm cassette for sample collection.
These samples can help identify surfaces contaminated with silica dust.
Typically a surface area of 1 square foot is sampled to obtain representative dust.

Laboratory Services

EMSL offers a variety of testing options for Crystalline Silica in Air, Bulk, Dust, Wipes, and Water Samples

Air Samples-Crystalline Silica all species, Alpha Quartz, Cristobalite and Tridymite Method: NIOSH 7500 mod single species.

Alpha Quartz, Cristobalite or Tridymite-Method: NIOSH 7500 mod Bulk/Dust Samples-Crystalline Silica all species.

Alpha Quartz, Cristobalite or Tridymite-Method: NIOSH 7500 mod / OSHA ID-142 Single Species

Alpha Quartz, Cristobalite or Tridymite-Method: NIOSH 7500 mod / OSHA ID-142 Wipe/Water-Crystalline Silica All species, Alpha Quartz, Cristobalite and Tridymite Method: NIOSH 7500 mod/OSHA ID-142 Single Species

Alpha Quartz, Cristobalite or Tridymite-Method: NIOSH 7500 mod / OSHA ID-142


EMSL also offers

Air and Bulk Samples-Amorphous Silica, All Species, Method: NIOSH 7501mod

Air Samples-Airborne cement dust, Method: OSHA ID-142/ID207